What is Privileged Access Management (PAM)?
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Read moreWith Privileged Access Management you help secure, control, manage and monitor critical assets within your organisation. Every organisation has accounts with elevated privileges. These accounts can, for instance, access management consoles for your email solution, but also access HR records or manage all files stored in your data archive. In some cases, passwords used are passed on from admin to admin and are not subject to any password renewal policy. This creates a giant risk for the organisation, as any former admin within the organisation is still able to control or access these assets.
A major danger for any organisation is theft of privileged login data. More and more often, privileged users such as system administrators are the target of a cyber attack. An effective countermeasure is Privileged Access Management (PAM). PAM helps protect your privileged login data, while you can limit privileged access within your existing Active Directory Domain Server (ADDS).
An effective PAM solution stores these passwords in a safe place, where only active admins could use them, and only use them once. Depending on the integration level, the password itself could even remain unknown for the admin.
PAM: An essential part of IT Security
Privileged Access Management (PAM) protects your privileged login data and deserves priority. With Privileged Access Management, even when an attacker gains access to privileged credentials, you can still thwart their ability to get in and do damage.
PAM offers a solid starting point and is therefore essential for security. It helps to limit privileged access within your existing Active Directory Domain Server (ADDS), for both internal and external users, such as remote IT support that your organization may use (as many organizations do).
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